A tailored dress rental app built as an extension to a Shopify store. Our client had previously struggled with existing pre-made apps and even custom work on top of those but needed a custom solution built from scratch to overcome complexities and limitations.
This project was built as an extension application to Shopify, which allows customers to pay for rentals. It hosts an extensive system that keeps track of inventory on products that can be sold an
d rented. Inventory is automatically adjusted to account for rented items during specific dates and restocked once returned, it also allows the staff to modify inventory when needed (restock, remove, etc). The app handles multiple complex features that are both Customer and Admin facing:
Pay for rental products
Solid compliance with Shopify discounts (X off Order, X off product, etc)
Add a second backup dress product for free
Inventory mapping and automatic adjustment of inventory during a product's rental period (date)
Search available rentals by date
Intelligent rental availability that allows for subsequent rentals and product return gap